
Worm Factory 360 Composting - FAQ''s


 Worm Factory 360 Composting System

1.    How much time does it take to manage a Worm Factory® 360?

The Worm Factory® 360 requires very little maintenance. Worms will be happy as long they are fed, have enough moisture, and are at a temperature between 40 and 80 degrees. We recommend checking up on your worms once a week. Gently dig into your worm bedding and see how your worms are doing. Your worms should have a moist body and be actively moving around your food scraps. Checking once a week will help address with any problems that may arise (moisture level, fruit flies, worm health).
2.    How often do you have to feed your worms?

Don't worry about feeding your worms every day; it will take awhile for them to break down the food in the bin. Some people feed them a handful a week; some people feed them a handful a day. If there is too much food, you can simply add another tray. Worms can survive up to two weeks without any additional food.
3.    How do I add more trays?

When your first tray is filled to the top, it is time to add a second tray. All you have to do to set up the second tray is add shredded paper and/or leaves to use as bedding for the worms. Then, add a handful of food to a corner of the tray to entice the worms to migrate to the next level. It may take a full week for the full population to make it to the next level. The worms will move in between both trays to finish working on the food scraps in the first level.
4.    What if my worms aren't migrating up?

Sometimes the worms are not too excited about leaving their home tray and traveling upwards. First, give them some time to migrate up. If you have just set up your second tray, give them at least two weeks to migrate and acclimate to their new "home tray". If after two weeks your worms haven't made the move, you need to take a look at the second tray. There could be a food product that you have added that they don't like. Dairy products, meats or citrus products are products you should avoid. The bedding could also be too wet or too dry. If the bedding is too dry, add some water or green food scraps (fruit, vegetables etc). If the bedding is too wet, add some shredded paper or other carbon-based food scraps (corn cobs, coffee grounds etc.) to soak up excess moisture. A careful balance of food, moisture and temperature is important to keep your worms happy and healthy.
5.    How much food can my worms process?

The general rule of thumb is: worms can eat half their weight in food per day! This means that if you start with one pound of worms, they can eat a half pound of food per day. As your worm population grows, they will be able to process more food at a faster rate.
6.    Do the worms reproduce inside the unit?

Yes, worms will reproduce inside the unit according to their space limitations. The worms will regulate their population so you don't have to worry about overpopulation in your bin. Your worm population will double every three months. Their reproduction is also an indicator of the environment they are living in. If the worms aren't happy with their environment, they will not reproduce. If they are happy, moist, and have access to food, they will reproduce, allowing them to process your food and paper scraps faster.
7.    How long does each tray take to finish?

Your first tray will take 1-3 months to finish processing. It could be faster or slower depending on how many worms you start with and how often you feed them. After the first tray is processed, the process will become faster.
8.    What do I feed my worms?

We recommend feeding your worms a diet of 50% food scraps and 50% fiber and paper scraps. This will give your finished compost balanced nutrient levels. But worms will eat virtually anything, so don't worry too much about what you feed them. If you have more food scraps than fiber, they will be fine. You do not have to follow an exact recipe. Give them what you have on hand but, do not give them meat or dairy, these items may kill you worms. The goal is to recycle what you would usually throw away. You don't have to buy food for your worms.
9.    Does the Worm Factory® 360 smell?

No, if maintained properly, your worm bin will not smell. The keys to maintaining an odorless composter is moisture control and ventilation. Anaerobic bacteria is the main cause of odor. If you don't allow proper ventilation these bacteria will grow inside your unit, bringing odor with them.
10.    I think my bin is too wet, what should I do?

Moisture control is a big part of managing your worm bin. We recommend taking a handful of bedding and compost in your hand and squeezing it tightly in your fist. In doing this, if you find that more than a couple drops of water comes out, you have too much moisture. Ideally, your bedding should be as moist as a wrung-out sponge. But don't worry, there is an easy fix. If you find your unit is too moist, stir in some dry shredded paper or cardboard. This will soak up some of that moisture and return it to ideal conditions.
11.    What does the Worm Factory® 360 do for me?

The Worm Factory® allows you to recycle your food and paper scraps, saving them from the landfill. Landfills produce gases during the decomposition process that is harmful to our environment and the ozone layer. By doing your part to recycle, you will be saving our environment and saving money at the same time. Recycling will reduce the amount of garbage you throw away which reduces your garbage bill. Since you are turning trash into nutrient rich compost for your garden, you save on the cost of fertilizers and soil amendments. Adding compost to your soil also increases its water holding capacity, saving water as well. The Worm Factory® 360 is an investment that will pay for itself many times over.